Partial Knee Replacement in Nagpur

A few days back, we received this patient as a case of 15 days old fracture neck of femur. Mr Ramchandra (Name Changed) had a history of fall at home and came with complaint of pain in hip, inability to walk, and was bed ridden. He is a also suffering from diabetes, hypertension, and multiple associated illness. Age is a big high risk condition. Patients relatives were explained about the pros and cons of hip replacement and associated risk factors. They put their trust on Dr Utsav Agrawal, Orthpaedic surgeon in nagpur, and our team of Surgeons at Varunam Hospital. After pre-operative tests and health assesment Hip replacement of this 90 year old gentleman was done. Hip Replacement Surgery was successful and patient started walking as soon as within 24 hours of surgery. He was also free of pain and happy with latest hip replacement implant.

EnQuire with us for:

Best Implants for Hip Replacement

Cost of Hip Replacement

Minimally invasive (small scar) Hip Surgery

AVN ‘Avascular’ Necrosis of Hip

Bone Grafting and Hip Surgery

Dr Utsav Agrawal Best Orthopaedic surgeon in Nagpur