Our fact sheets have been developed for parents and child, and cover pertinent topics about medical conditions and the services available at The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne.
Kids Health Info useful for:
Learning about or increasing your understanding of your and your child’s medical condition.
Learning about or increasing your understanding of your and your child’s treatment.
Providing a starting point for further questions that you might like to ask your or your child’s doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional.
Services of Child Hospital
Neonatal and Pediatric Bronchoscopy and airway management including foreign body removal.
Childhood Cancer Surgery.
Anorectal diseases including Congenital Megacolon and anorectal malformations. Services of Anorectal manometry available.
Inguinal and Scrotal Disorders including hernia, hydrocele, and undescended testis.
Minimally Invasive Surgery (Laparoscopy) including Lap appendicectomies.
Newborn Congenital Anomalies including trachea-esophageal fistulas.
Thoracic Surgery including video-assisted thoracic surgery.
Pediatric Urology including congenital obstructive uropathy, ureteric reimplantation, hydronephrosis,urinary diversion (Mitrofanoff) and Hypospadias Surgery.