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Partial Knee Replacement in Nagpur

Knee Pain is very common in Indian Population especially in people above 45 years of age.

Most common cause of Knee pain in Nagpur remain knee arthritis.

Severity of Knee Arthritis is grouped in 4 stages from stage 1 which is the start of knee arthritis to stage 4 which is terminal stage.

Treament of knee arthritis in Nagpur depends on stage of arthritis.

Stage 1 and 2 mostly are managed by medicines, physiotherapy and in some cases knee injections.

Stage 4 usually requires knee replacement surgery.


Stages of Knee Arthritis Dr Utsav Agrawal Best Knee Replacement Surgeon

Knee Replacement in Nagpur by Dr Utsav Agrawal, Best Knee Replacement surgeon in Nagpur is done by two methods or techniques.

  1. Total Knee Replacement
  2. Partial or half Knee Replacement


Arthritis and total knee replacmement Dr Utsav Agrawal arthritis specialis


Partial knee replacement Dr Utsav Agrawal


Partial knee replacement and total knee replacement

Total knee replacement is the more common surgery with very good results at Varunam Hospital Nagpur.

Partial Knee Replacement is the latest and most advanced surgery where only the damaged area of knee can be replaced by very small covering components through a very small incision.

Partial or half knee replacement is a more modern and revolutionary procedure which offers fast rehabilitation to the patients with very less pain or difficulty after surgery and no restiriction of activities after surgery.

Partial knee replacement is done by Dr Utsav Agrawal, Best knee replacement surgeon in Nagpur, through a very small scar or incision and patient can start walking as soon as 6 hrs. after surgery.

Partial knee replacement is done by robotic or computer assissted surgery which not only increases precision of the surgery, but also increases its overall life and improves results of the surgery for the patient.

Before and after partial knee replacement surgery patients expereince sugnificant reduction in knee pain and improved mobility in improvement in speed and style of walking.

Dr Utsav Agrawal has credit of more than 1000 successful partial knee replacement surgery in central India.

Dr Utsav Agrawal, best knee replacement surgeon uses the best quality and long lasting imported implants to give the best results after total knee replacement.

Robotic surgery further improves results of knee replacement in Nagpur.

Now knee replacement can also be done through cashless medical insurance facility at Varunam SuperSpeciality hospital Nagpur, which is the best hospital for knee replacement in Nagpur.

Dr Utsav Agrawal is one of the most trusted and experienced surgeon for primary and revesion joint replacement surgeries in nagpur and central india working for benefit of patients using latest technology in knee replacement since last 10 years with best results.

Varunam Super Speciality hospital in Nagpur is equipped with latest technology for providing best services to its patients from all around central India.

Patients can get painless partial knee replacement in Nagpur by the best joint replacement surgeon in Nagpur and go home as soon as 2 days after surgery without any pain.

Cost of partial knee replacement depends of muliple factors including choice of implant and patients health.

For booking apointments or more information, pls call

Dr Utsav Agrawal
Joint Replacement Specialist
Varunam SuperSpeciality Hospital, Nagpur